Tuesday, April 9, 2013


When thinking about this year, 2013, and asking God what was on His heart for this year I heard 3 things: hope releasers, crazy favor, and deeper into Him. Two of these I want to talk about in this blog.
On my Facebook page I posted,  A hope army is rising up this year in 2013. If you feel despair, its not you. You are one to march to the beat of hope!
 I posted this because I woke up one morning feeling a weight of despair after God had spoken to me about being hope releasers. I have learned that most of the time when I feel a negative affect, its not me and that it is only a sign pointing to what God is really doing. We know that God is good and He is kind and that He always has a good plan.
Another thing I have learned is that when Im experiencing these kinds of spirit moments, there are many who are usually feeling the same thing. I dont know about you, but it brings some relief to know that there are others who are also feeling what Im feeling. It tells me that Im not crazy and even more so- God is up to something good.
 Since I have preached that message, my sister has died, my brother in law has died, and my sister in laws mom, as well. It has been such great loss to our family. BUT deep within me, there is hope. My world will not crash and I can still release a hope that is eternal. I watched my sister in law stand strong in her hope in Jesus in the mist of great sorrow and grief when her husband died. How? Her strong tower, Jesus.
Theres an old hymn that says My anchor holds within the veil. What does that mean? This brings me to my second point.
God is calling us in deeper. I feel a pulling in me to walk closer than I have ever walked before. My anchor is Him and in my time with Him. The veil is that secret place with Him. Why do I feel Him calling us in closer, deeper? Is it to get more revelation in scripture, more answers to our life, or more strategies for prayer? I dont think its any of those. What I think is that its for Him to tell us how much He loves how much He loves the world and how much He love me/us.
 Bill and I recently watched the Bible series on the History channel. I have watched many movies on Jesus (probably all there is out there) but this one was different. When Jesus came on the scene in this series, I was so impressed with the character and how they presented him. I saw Him pretty much the way I see Jesus, full of life and huge love. I really liked this Jesus. He actually loved life and he laughed. He would get so happy when someone was healed. But most of all, the love of the Father was demonstrated through Jesus eyes. I remember saying, Now thats the way I see Jesus. Jesus loved big and He still does and He is calling us into deep places with him.
I was listening to John Arnott at a conference and he was talking about the Fathers love and telling stories of the renewal. It was so refreshing and as he talked I could feel the presence of God come in to the room. It was like a big, heavy, warm blanket that wrapped me up. It was His love and when this love comes to you, it deposits in you a strength that will carry with you through the hardest times. That is our anchor and we get it within the veil.  
 2013, if we choose, will be a year of great hope. You and I can give it and live it. And if you will choose to go in deeper with Him, He will lavish His love over you and in you.



  1. My deepest thanks for posting this. You're right, it is comforting to know that there are others feeling the same thing, and others who can bring hope!

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this blog. What you wrote, and what you have experienced through the hard times is tremendously comforting to me. Once I heard a preacher say, "The God whom you carry in your every day experience is the God you will have within and beside you in battle". I want my every day experience with Him to be deeper and stronger and more consistent than ever before. I choose to go deeper in Him, and I choose Hope. Thank you....

  3. That is timely for me. Thank you so much..................I so appreciate you and Pastor Bill. I have only been to Bethel 2 times...ya'll are so blessed. WE listen to Bethel preaching/teaching as well as ya'lls worship on Tuesday nights in our home church time: "Creating Kingdom Culture group". So we REALLLY appreciate Bethel..........

  4. Thanks Beni for your timely word!

  5. I have had so many Comments lately on my Blog and on Facebook saying they want to be an Encourager like me. (actually the Holy Spirit in me). God is raising up His army of hope made of of saints drawn close to Him!

  6. I haven't seen the History channel series but SO glad they showed Jesus as happy and relatable to others. Knowing Him this way has to be a reason why we can stay strong in our faith. So sorry about you losing your close family members...just lost my mom. Much love, peace, joy and grace over you now and always.

  7. I watched the Bible series, too. It was very good. However, the best portrayal of a Joyful Jesus I ever saw was in The Gospel of Matthew in The Virtual Bible series. He was played by Bruce Marchiano, and his journey prior to and during the filming of the movie was amazing. This is a word-for-word dramatization of the Gospel of Matthew in the NIV version, with Richard Kiley playing the part of the older Matthew. I first saw it about 15 years ago, and then about 2 years ago, I got it to watch with my grandson. He's 11 now, and he still loves to watch it to go to sleep by. We've probably watched it hundreds of times. God bless you, Beni, and everyone on here!

  8. I guess this comment is a few months late. But Hope was the word I received at the beginning of 2013 with scripture Lamentations 3: 19-24. This year I have watched my Mum deteriorate with Lewy's body dementia, which is so hard. My family has watched person after person pass away in Mum's dementia ward, and Dad especially is suffering grief each time. And last night Dads brother passed away. But I have this strength that I cannot explain, even though grief is present, the Hope that Jesus offers is so much greater. Let hope rise....

  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Very Amazing!

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